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Please read the plugin documentation beforehand.

Examples are available for each compatible version of Unreal Engine in the Plugin Sample repository


Before launching any example, the project source files must be regenerated to allow Unreal to place the plugin DLLs in the right place (or it will crash when the example is played).

To do this : In Windows Content Explorer, right-click on the .uproject file and select Generate Visual Studio Project Files.


The example "6_Boost" is an illustration of the boost feature on different levels (global, pattern, effect instance), where the user can modify the global boost and the effect instance boost as well as consult the default pattern boost (set in Unitouch Studio) to understand the feature and how the 3 levels of boost interact with each other. Three patterns with various boost pattern values are provided.

Everything is handled in the 6_Boost_WBP Widget Blueprint. (located in the SkineticSDK Content → 6_Boost folder)

Connection, Disconnection and Pattern loading​

  • As in any of the examples provided, a Skinetic Device Data Asset is created and set as default device in Project Settings > Plugins > Skinetic.


  • Get Default Device is used to retrieve and store a reference to the Skinetic device set in plugin parameters.
  • A Skinetic Pattern object reference array is filled with all patterns we want to use in this example.

  • On initialization, the device is set as a variable for later use, and the 3 patterns are loaded into the sdk and their default pattern boost value is stored in local variables.

  • When clicked, the “connect” button triggers a connection routine to the default device.

  • Reciprocally the “disconnect” button and the Destruct event disconnect the device.



  • The Global boost intensity is settable in the bottom of the UI

  • For each of the 3 patterns, are available:

    • play and stop buttons,

    • a display of the default boost defined in the pattern (in Unitouch Studio),

    • a checkbox to choose whether or not to override the default pattern boost,

    • a spinbox to set the effect instance boost (if overriden)

      Effect UI

Boost feature​

3 patterns are provided:

  • Energy Ray with a default boost of 23 that will be amplified even without global boost,

  • Electrocution with a default boost of -47 that to cancel any global boost until 47,

  • Explosion with a default boost of -73 that to cancel any global boost until 73.

    Global boost spinbox is using SetGlobalIntensityBoost to register the value computed. Value should be between -100 and 100. This boost is applied to all effects on the vest.

    Default pattern boost displayed uses GetPatternIntensityBoost to retrieve the value in the pattern. This value was set while creating the pattern in Unitouch Studio. This value can be between -100 and 100 and is not editable outside Unitouch Studio.

    Effect Boost is using the parameters (Effect Boost and Override Pattern Boost) of the play pattern method to override the default pattern boost (if the boolean is set as true).

To understand how the pattern boost or effect boost are interacting with the global boost, please read section "Boost" of the plugin documentation.