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Welcome to Unitouch Documentation


Welcome to the official documentation for Unitouch! Our powerful software solution offers a comprehensive toolkit for developers, enabling them to create extraordinary haptic experiences and unlock the full potential of their projects.

Whether you're a game developer, virtual reality enthusiast, or cutting-edge technology creator, Unitouch is here to empower your creativity and streamline your development process.

Getting Started

For a quick start, see Getting Started.

Unitouch Studio Documentation

Unitouch Studio is a core software component of the Unitouch solution. It is a feature-rich application that offers a user-friendly interface for configuring and fine-tuning custom haptic sequences for your projects.

See Unitouch Studio Manual for more details.

Skinetic SDK Documentation

Our Software Development Kit (SDK) equips developers with a wide range of tools and APIs to seamlessly integrate Skinetic into their projects. Our SDK provides the building blocks for adding haptic feedbacks into immersive experiences. Developed in c++, several wrapping are available in other languages (ex: C, C#, Python, Java for Android, etc.)

See examples and APIs documentation for more details.

Game Engines Plugins Documentation

To streamline integration with popular game engines, we provide dedicated plugins for Unity and Unreal that integrates our SDK. These plugins offer seamless integration with the respective development environments, allowing developers to harness the power of Unitouch within their preferred game engine.

See manuals and API documentation for Unreal 4 & 5 and manuals and API documentation for Unity 2019+ for more details.

Compatibility Matrix

The following tables provide an overview of the compatibility between different versions of our SDK (or plugins) with the firmware embedded on the board and the generated .spn files using Unitouch Studio. It helps you identify which combinations of versions are supported and ensures a seamless integration of our software components.


Note that the mentioned versions are minimum version compatibility.

Skinetic SDK VersionSkinetic Firmware VersionHSD mk.* Firmware VersionUnitouch Studio (.spn) compatible1.3.x
1.5.x1.2.1 (legacy only)/1.3.1*1.0.1 (legacy only)*1.6.x
1.6.x1.2.1 (legacy only)/1.3.1*1.0.1 (legacy only)*1.6.x

*Starting Skinetic SDK 1.5.0, a new backend has been developed and only works with a firmware higher than 1.3.0. However, the legacy mode can be enabled through the Experimental API and will be backward compatible for any SDK below 1.5.0.

Unity Plugin VersionSkinetic Firmware VersionHSD mk.* Firmware VersionUnitouch Studio (.spn) compatible1.3.0
Unreal Plugin VersionSkinetic Firmware VersionHSD mk.* Firmware VersionUnitouch Studio (.spn)
1.2.x1.1.3Not compatible1.3.0
  • Skinetic SDK Version: The version of our Software Development Kit (SDK) that you are using.
  • Firmware Version: The version of the firmware installed on your Skinetic Vest.
  • Unity Plugin Version: The version of the Unity plugin you should use for integration with our SDK.
  • Unreal Plugin Version: The version of the Unreal plugin you should use for integration with our SDK.
  • Unitouch Studio: The version of the software Unitouch Studio to generate patterns with.

Please ensure that you use the specified versions to ensure proper functionality and avoid any compatibility issues. Please refer to this table whenever you need to check the compatibility between different versions of our SDK, firmware, Unity plugin, and Unreal plugin.

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding compatibility, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance.

To update the firmware of your Skinetic vest, use Skinetic Hub.


Bugs and technical issues with part of our solution can be reported using our Bug Tracking form. For general questions or good practices discussion, please join Skinetic Discord