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Public Attributes


Public Attributes Documentation

variable Priority

int Priority = 5;

Priority (default - 5): level of priority [1; 10] of the effect. In case too many effects are playing simultaneously, the effect with lowest priority (10) will be muted.

variable Volume

float Volume = 100;

Volume (default - 100): percentage of the base volume between [0; 250]%: [0;100[% the pattern attenuated, 100% the pattern's base volume is preserved, ]100; 250]% the pattern is amplified. Too much amplification may lead to the clipping of the haptic effects, distorting them and producing audible noise.

variable Speed

float Speed = 1;

Speed (default - 1): time scale between [0.01; 100]: [0.01; 1[ the pattern is slowed down, 1 the pattern timing is preserved, ]1; 100] the pattern is accelerated. The resulting speed between the haptic effect's and the samples' speed within the pattern cannot exceed these bounds. Slowing down or accelerating a sample too much may result in an haptically poor effect.

variable RepeatCount

int RepeatCount = 1;

RepeatCount (default - 1): number of repetition of the pattern if the maxDuration is not reached. If 0, the pattern is repeat indefinitely until it is either stopped with stopEffect() or reach the maxDuration value.

variable RepeatDelay

float RepeatDelay = 0;

RepeatDelay (default - 0): pause in second between to repetition of the pattern, this value is not affected by the speed parameter.

variable PlayAtTime

float PlayAtTime = 0;

PlayAtTime (default - 0): time in the pattern at which the effect start to play. This value need to be lower than the maxDuration. It also takes into account the repeatCount and the repeatDelay of the pattern.

variable MaxDuration

float MaxDuration = 0;

MaxDuration (default - 0): maximum duration of the effect, it is automatically stopped if the duration is reached without any regards for the actual state of the repeatCount. A maxDuration of 0 remove the duration limit, making the effect ables to play indefinitely.

variable EffectBoost

int EffectBoost = 0;

EffectBoost (default - 0): Boost intensity level percent [-100; 100] of the effect to use instead of the default pattern value if overridePatternBoost is set to true. By using a negative value, can decrease or even nullify the global intensity boost set by the user.

variable OverridePatternBoost

bool OverridePatternBoost = false;

OverridePatternBoost (default - false): By setting this boolean to true, the effect will use the EffectBoost value instead of the default pattern value.

variable Height

float Height = 0;

Height (default - 0): normalized height [-1; 1] to translate the pattern by. A positive value translate the pattern upwards.

variable Heading

float Heading = 0;

Heading (default - 0): heading angle (in degree) to rotate the pattern by in the horizontal plan. A positive value rotates the pattern to the left of the vest.

variable Tilting

float Tilting = 0;

Tilting (default - 0): tilting angle (in degree) to rotate the pattern by in the sagittal plan. A positive value rotates the pattern upwards from front to back.

variable FrontBackInversion

bool FrontBackInversion = false;

FrontBackInversion (default - false) Invert the direction of the pattern on the front-back axis. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

variable UpDownInversion

bool UpDownInversion = false;

UpDownInversion (default - false) Invert the direction of the pattern on the up-down axis. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

variable RightLeftInversion

bool RightLeftInversion = false;

RightLeftInversion (default - false) Invert the direction of the pattern on the right-left axis. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

variable FrontBackAddition

bool FrontBackAddition = false;

FrontBackAddition (default - false) Perform a front-back addition of the pattern on the front-back axis. Overrides the FrontBackInversion. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

variable UpDownAddition

bool UpDownAddition = false;

UpDownAddition (default - false) Perform a up-down addition of the pattern on the front-back axis. Overrides the UpDownInversion. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

variable RightLeftAddition

bool RightLeftAddition = false;

RightLeftAddition (default - false) Perform a right-left addition of the pattern on the front-back axis. Overrides the RightLeftInversion. Can be combine with other inversion or addition.

Updated on 2024-05-16 at 15:17:15 +0000