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Inherits from USceneComponent

Public Functions

voidPlay(ESkineticError & Error, EPlayingType PlayingType =EPlayingType::Default)
voidPlayWithParameters(ESkineticError & Error, EPlayingType PlayingType, FEffectProperties TmpEffectProperties)
voidStop(float Time)

Public Attributes

TSoftObjectPtr< USkineticPattern >PatternReference

Public Functions Documentation

function USkineticEffect


Sets default values for this component's properties

function Play

void Play(
ESkineticError & Error,
EPlayingType PlayingType =EPlayingType::Default

Play effect build from loaded pattern with parameters set in component. If the effect is already playing, do nothing.

function PlayWithParameters

void PlayWithParameters(
ESkineticError & Error,
EPlayingType PlayingType,
FEffectProperties TmpEffectProperties


  • Error contains the corresponding error in case of failure.
  • PlayingType behavior to adopt if an effect is already playing.
  • TmpEffectProperties

Play effect build from loaded pattern with provided parameters. Parameters will not be saved in component.

function Stop

void Stop(
float Time


  • Time duration of the fadeout before complete stop.

Stop all effect instance started from this component.

function EffectState

EEffectState EffectState()

Return: the current state of the effect.

Get the current state of an effect.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable PatternReference

TSoftObjectPtr< USkineticPattern > PatternReference;

Reference of pattern to build the effect.

variable EffectProperties

FEffectProperties EffectProperties;

Properties passed to Play() method.

Updated on 2024-05-16 at 15:17:15 +0000