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Version: Unitouch Studio 1.4.0

Design Haptics with Unitouch Studio

This manual will guide you through the different features available in Unitouch Studio 1.4.0.

Pattern Creation

Create a new Pattern

Unitouch Studio allows you to easily design high-definition haptic patterns for your next-gen productions. To do so, two modes of design are available:

  • Shape-based: Design your sequence through the motion of 3D shapes.
  • Actuator-based: Design your sequence by modulating sensations levels actuator per actuator.

Adjust the actuator layout for custom devices

img - Shape vs Actuator Mode


Dive into our Sensations library

Unitouch Studio integrates a tailored collection of haptic sensations that you can look up, preview, and add to your design.

img - Library Search

img - Library

You can select the location to preview the sensation (front, back, or sides) and use the play button in the sensation preview panel located at the bottom of the sensation library to start or stop it.

img - Sensation Preview

Add a sensation

From the sensation library, you can drag and drop a sensation over the timeline. By default, a sensation contains a keyframe at the beginning of the sensation.

The content of the default keyframe varies for both spatialization modes:

  • Actuator-based: The sensation is applied to all the actuators.
  • Shape-based: The sensation contains a default shape.

img - Actuator View img - Shape View

Copy/pasting a sensation

You can easily duplicate a sensation on your timeline by copying and pasting it, it will also duplicate its content (volume envelope and keyframes).

img - Copy Paste 1 img - Copy Paste 2

Moving a sensation

You can move a sensation by selecting it and dragging it across the timeline. It can be “drop” wherever on the timeline as long as the sensation does not overlap with another one on the same track.

img - Moving

Add a keyframe

To vary the spatialisation of the effect over the time, you can add keyframes over a sensation, which will adjust the where the effect is applied.

This can be done by clicking over the Add keyframe button (Highlighted in yellow). The position of the keyframe will depend on the position of the playback head.

img - Add Keyframe

Crop a sensation

You’re looking to only use a segment of a sensation from our library ? Then you can easily crop its beginning and/or end to keep what you want.

img - Crop1 img - Crop2

Pitch Shift

You can modify your integrated sensations to your preference by pitch shifting them, a modification of both the temporal and spectral aspects of a sensation, the shorter the higher and the longer the lower.

Pitch shifting can be achieved by holding the "Shift" key, selecting the extremity of the sensation on the timeline, and dragging it one way or the other.

img - Pitch Shift 1 img - Pitch Shift 2

Repeat a sensation

You can repeat a sensation by holding down "Ctrl," grabbing the end of the sensation on the timeline, and dragging it to the desired number of repetitions.

img - Pitch Shift 2

Looping a sensation

In your design, you can set a sensation to be played indefinitely by looping it. Simple select a sensation and loop it. Note that when using such pattern with the SDK, you’ll have to stop it manually from a command. Additionally in your sensation, you can modify its volume with an envelope.

img - Looping 1 img - Looping 2

Volume and intensity

Add a volume envelope

You can adjust the volume evolution of a sensation through volume envelopes. It can be added by simply clicking on the center of a sensation, and adjust the volume vertically, and the time horizontally.

img - Envelope 1 img - Envelope 2

Adjust waypoint

The waypoints of the volume envelope of a track can be modified by clicking over them and then holding left mouse button while dragging the waypoint.

img - Envelope 3

The waypoints of the volume envelope of a track can be deleted by pressing the Delete and/or Backspace key when they are selected.

img - Envelope 4

Spatialization with Shapes

Add a Shape

You can add a shape by clicking on the add shape button located in the viewport and also in the Shape panel. A new shape will be added with its default values.

img - Add Shape

Set shape intensity

Each shape has an intensity level that can be set in the design, it will modify how wide within the sphere the sensation is applied.

img - Set Shape Intensity

Set shape transformations

A few transformation on shapes are available giving you the tools to play around space and time. Position (W), Rotation(E), Scale(R).

With the corresponding shortcut key, or the associated button, you can modify the selected shape in the desired axis, or precisely control the transformation of the shape by modifying the values directly in the shape panel.

You can also lock the scale factors so that if the user decides to change on value of the scale, the others will modify accordingly.

img - Shape Transformations

Delete Shape

You can delete a shape by pressing the Delete/Backspace or clicking the delete shape button at the shape panel (highlighted in yellow).

img - Delete Shape

Rename Shape

To change the name of a shape, simply click on it in the shape panel and edit the name, or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + R to quickly rename it.

img - Rename Shape

Copy/Paste Shape

You can copy and paste the shapes once they are selected by using the classic commands Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. The shapes can be copied and pasted to the same or any other keyframe in the timeline of this or any other effect, as long as it is shape-based.

img - Copy Paste Shape

Spatialization with Actuators

Paint actuator weights

To spatialize the sensations on the actuators, you can paint the weights when a keyframe is selected.

img - Actuator Weights

Set actuator intensities

You can set the intensity of the actuators depending on the selected views. These operations consist of the following

  • Apply random intensities to all actuators: Apply random intensities to the actuators of the selected views.
  • Apply intensity to all actuators: Applies the current intensity to the actuators of the selected views.
  • Remove intensity from all actuators: Remove the intensity (set the intensity to 0) from the selected views.

If none of the views are selected, the above actions will affect all actuators.

Set intensity

You can set the intensity level through the slider located in the actuator panel.

Set brush size

You can set the brush size through the slider located in the actuator panel.

img - Set Actuator Intensities

Vest view

You can view the vest on different angles and thus observe where you want to apply the sensation through the given tools.

img - Vest View

Change the layout

Unitouch Studio allows you to provide an actuator layout, associated with a visual reference, to design with the Studio for your custom device.

We integrate three reference layouts and visual references: Skinetic, a Chair & a Body

img - Change Layout

Import a layout for custom device

On Edit > Preferences, you can define the default actuator layout that is loaded on application launch. Additionally, you can load your own layouts. To do so, define a folder where the layouts will be stored.

img - Cube Layout


Add a track

You can create a new track by placing a sensation below the last track created. Finally, users can also add a track by clicking on the “Add track” button.

Thus, you can design your effects by layering many sensations to fit your expectations.

img - Add Track

Set Track Volume

Each Track has a volume associated that can you can define to help you harmonize the volume of a track among the others.

Mute Track

Tracks can be muted through the mute (M) button.
This toggle mutes the tracks when activated and unmutes it when deactivated.

Solo Track

Tracks can be also solo-ed through the solo (S) button.
This toggle mutes all tracks except the track it belongs to when activated and unmutes them when deactivated.

img - Track Volume

Lock Track

Tracks can be locked through the lock button.
This toggle prevents any further modifications on this track if active.

img - Lock Track

Boost Track

Adjust the pattern boost level to amplify the overall intensity of the haptic sensation. Please note that high values can create artifacts and distortion in the rendering.

img - Boost Sequence img - Boost Panel