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Version: Skinetic SDK 1.6.0


Experimental - Struct containing settings for an audio connection.

Public Functions

ExpAudioSettings(string deviceName, string audioAPI, int sampleRate, int bufferSize, int nbStreamChannel, float suggestedLatency)

Public Attributes

Name of the targeted audio device, default value "default" uses the OS default audio device. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than eCustomDevice, the parameter will be ignored.
Name of the targeted API. Default value "any_API" uses any available API which match the configuration, if any. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than E_CUSTOMDEVICE, the parameter will be ignored.
Sample rate of the audio stream. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset, the parameter will be ignored.
Size (strictly positive) of a chunk of data sent over the audio stream. This parameter MUST be set independently of the used ExpAudioPreset.
Number of channels (strictly positive) to use while streaming to the haptic output. If using a specific audio preset, the parameter will be ignored. Setting -1 will use the number of actuator of the layout, or a portion of it.
Desired latency in seconds. The value is rounded to the closest available latency value from the audio API. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than eCustomDevice, the parameter will be ignored.

Public Functions Documentation

function ExpAudioSettings

string deviceName,
string audioAPI,
int sampleRate,
int bufferSize,
int nbStreamChannel,
float suggestedLatency

Public Attributes Documentation

variable deviceName

string deviceName;

Name of the targeted audio device, default value "default" uses the OS default audio device. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than eCustomDevice, the parameter will be ignored.

variable audioAPI

string audioAPI;

Name of the targeted API. Default value "any_API" uses any available API which match the configuration, if any. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than E_CUSTOMDEVICE, the parameter will be ignored.

variable sampleRate

int sampleRate;

Sample rate of the audio stream. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset, the parameter will be ignored.

variable bufferSize

int bufferSize;

Size (strictly positive) of a chunk of data sent over the audio stream. This parameter MUST be set independently of the used ExpAudioPreset.

variable nbStreamChannel

int nbStreamChannel;

Number of channels (strictly positive) to use while streaming to the haptic output. If using a specific audio preset, the parameter will be ignored. Setting -1 will use the number of actuator of the layout, or a portion of it.

variable suggestedLatency

float suggestedLatency;

Desired latency in seconds. The value is rounded to the closest available latency value from the audio API. If using a specific ExpAudioPreset other than eCustomDevice, the parameter will be ignored.

Updated on 2024-07-11 at 09:47:11 +0000