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Version: Skinetic SDK 1.6.0




enumski_audio_preset_t { eCustomDevice = 0, eSkinetic = 1, eHSDmkI = 2, eHSDmkII = 3, eHSD0 = 4, eHSDmkIII = 5}
enumski_connection_state_t { eReconnecting = 3, eDisconnecting = 2, eConnecting = 1, eConnected = 0, eDisconnected = -1}
enumski_device_type_t { eUnknown = ~(uint32_t)0, eSkineticVest = DEV_TYPE_SKINETIC, eHSDmk2 = DEV_TYPE_HSDMK2, eHSDmk3 = DEV_TYPE_HSDMK3}
enumski_effect_state_t { ePlay = 2, eMute = 1, eInitialized = 0, eStop = -1}
enumski_error_t { eNoError = 0, eOther = -1, eInvalidParam = -2, eNotConnected = -3, eOutputNotSupported = -4, eInvalidJson = -5, eDeviceNotReachable = -6, ePendingCommand = -7, eNoMoreSlot = -8, eNoInstance = -9, eInvalidMessage = -10, eAlreadyRunning = -11, eDeviceAlreadyConnected = -12, eInitializationInterrupted = -13, ePlayIgnored = -14, eErrorPortAudio = -15, eSocketError = -16, eAshError = -17, eCoreInvalidArgument = -100, eCoreInvalidSpn = -99, eCoreInvalidLayout = -98, eCoreAlreadyAllocated = -97, eCoreSequenceNotAllocated = -96, eCorePatternNotAllocated = -95, eCorePatternInUse = -94, eCoreSequenceAlreadyPlaying = -93, eCoreInvalidOperation = -92}
enum intski_log_level_t { trace = 0, debug = 1, info = 2, warn = 3, err = 4, critical = 5, off = 6, n_levels}
enumski_output_t { eAutoDetect = 0, eBluetooth = 1, eUSB = 2, eWifi = 3}

Detailed Description

Public enumeration types

Types Documentation

enum ski_audio_preset_t

eCustomDevice0Audio stream with a custom configuration
eSkinetic1Autoconfiguration of the audioStream for the Skinetic device
eHSDmkI2Autoconfiguration of the audioStream for the HSD mk.I device
eHSDmkII3Autoconfiguration of the audioStream for the HSD mk.II device
eHSD04Autoconfiguration of the audioStream for the HSD 0 device
eHSDmkIII5Autoconfiguration of the audioStream for the HSD mk.III device

Preset of audio devices. eCustomDevice is to be used for a custom configuration.

enum ski_connection_state_t

eReconnecting3Device connection was broken, trying to reconnect
eDisconnecting2Device is disconnecting, releasing all resources
eConnecting1Connection to the device is being established, connection routine is active.
eConnected0Device is connected
eDisconnected-1Device is disconnected

Connection state.

enum ski_device_type_t

eUnknown~(uint32_t)0Type is Unknown or undefined
eSkineticVestDEV_TYPE_SKINETICSkinetic Vest
eHSDmk2DEV_TYPE_HSDMK2HSD mk.II development kit
eHSDmk3DEV_TYPE_HSDMK3HSD mk.III development kit

Type of device

enum ski_effect_state_t

ePlay2Effect is playing.
eMute1Effect is muted.
eInitialized0Effect is initialized and should play as soon as possible.
eStop-1Effect is stopped.

Effect State

enum ski_error_t

eNoError0No error
eInvalidParam-2Invalid parameter
eNotConnected-3No device connected
eOutputNotSupported-4Output is not supported on this platform
eInvalidJson-5Invalid json
eDeviceNotReachable-6Device not reachable
ePendingCommand-7A priority command is waiting to be processed
eNoMoreSlot-8No available slot on the board
eNoInstance-9No Skinetic instance created
eInvalidMessage-10Received an invalid message
eAlreadyRunning-11Process is already running
eDeviceAlreadyConnected-12A device is already connected
eInitializationInterrupted-13The initialization of the device has been interrupted
ePlayIgnored-14Play was ignored due to overall trigger strategy
eErrorPortAudio-15PortAudio raised an error
eSocketError-16An error happened with the socket
eAshError-17ASH-fx library raised an error
eCoreInvalidArgument-100Core Error: Invalid argument
eCoreInvalidSpn-99Core Error: Invalid spn
eCoreInvalidLayout-98Core Error: Invalid layout
eCoreAlreadyAllocated-97Core Error: ID already allocated
eCoreSequenceNotAllocated-96Core Error: Invalid sequence ID
eCorePatternNotAllocated-95Core Error: Invalid pattern ID
eCorePatternInUse-94Core Error: Pattern in use
eCoreSequenceAlreadyPlaying-93Core Error: Sequence already set to play
eCoreInvalidOperation-92Core Error: Invalid Operation

Error codes returned by the functions of the library.

enum ski_log_level_t


Log levels definitions.

enum ski_output_t

eAutoDetect0Connection type is automatically handled
eBluetooth1Bluetooth connection
eUSB2USB connection
eWifi3WiFi connection

Output selection codes to determine the target output mode.

Updated on 2024-07-11 at 09:47:11 +0000