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Version: Skinetic SDK 1.4.6


This class is used as the experimental API interface.

#include <ExperimentalSkineticSDK.h>

Public Functions

ExperimentalSkineticSDK(SkineticSDK * skineticSdk)
Instantiate a new ExperimentalSkineticSDK instance.
~ExperimentalSkineticSDK() =default
ExperimentalSkineticSDK destructor.
intconnectAudio(ski_audio_preset_t audioPreset, ski_audio_settings_t & audioSettings)
Initialize an asynchronous connection to an audio device using the provided settings.
intgetOutputDevicesNames(const char **& devicesNames, int & nbDevices)
Get names of available output devices.
intgetOutputDeviceAPIs(const char * outputName, const char **& APIs, int & nb_APIs)
Get available APIs for a given output device identified by name.
intgetOutputDeviceInfo(const char outputName, const char API, int & maxChannels, float & defaultLowLatency, float & defaultHighLatency)
Get settings extremum values of the output device identified by name and API.
intgetSupportedStandardSampleRates(const char outputName, const char API, uint32_t *& sampleRates, int & nbSampleRates)
Get all supported standard sample rates for the output device identified by name and API.

Public Functions Documentation

function ExperimentalSkineticSDK

explicit ExperimentalSkineticSDK(
SkineticSDK * skineticSdk

Instantiate a new ExperimentalSkineticSDK instance.


When instantiating a SkineticSDK, an ExperimentalSkineticSDK instance is automatically bound to it and can be accessed with using ExperimentalAPI().

function ~ExperimentalSkineticSDK

~ExperimentalSkineticSDK() =default

ExperimentalSkineticSDK destructor.

function connectAudio

 int connectAudio(
ski_audio_preset_t audioPreset,
ski_audio_settings_t & audioSettings

Initialize an asynchronous connection to an audio device using the provided settings.


  • audioPreset preset of audio device.
  • audioSettings audio stream configuration to use.

Return: 0 on success, an Error code on failure.

If audioPreset is set to anything else other than ski_audioPreset_t::eCustomDevice, the provided settings are ignored and the ones corresponding to the preset are used instead.

function getOutputDevicesNames

static  int getOutputDevicesNames(
const char **& devicesNames,
int & nbDevices

Get names of available output devices.


  • devicesNames array of const char*.
  • nbDevices number of char* in the array.

Return: 0 if the vector has been set successfully, an Error otherwise.

If no device is available, the array will contain "noDevice". This function will set the pointer array of const char *, as well as the size of the array as they are passed by reference.

function getOutputDeviceAPIs

static  int getOutputDeviceAPIs(
const char * outputName,
const char **& APIs,
int & nb_APIs

Get available APIs for a given output device identified by name.


  • outputName name of the output.
  • APIs pointer to array of const char*.
  • nb_APIs number of char* in the array.

Return: 0 if the vector has been set successfully, an Error otherwise.

If no API is available, the array will contain "noAPI". This function will set the pointer array of const char *, as well as the size of the array as they are passed by reference.

function getOutputDeviceInfo

static  int getOutputDeviceInfo(
const char * outputName,
const char * API,
int & maxChannels,
float & defaultLowLatency,
float & defaultHighLatency

Get settings extremum values of the output device identified by name and API.


  • outputName name of the output.
  • API name of the API.
  • max_channels max number of channel
  • default_low_latency minimum latency of the output device
  • default_high_latency maximum latency of the output device

Return: 0 if the values have been set successfully, an Error otherwise.

function getSupportedStandardSampleRates

static  int getSupportedStandardSampleRates(
const char * outputName,
const char * API,
uint32_t *& sampleRates,
int & nbSampleRates

Get all supported standard sample rates for the output device identified by name and API.


  • outputName name of the output.
  • API name of the API.
  • sampleRates pointer to array of uint.
  • nb_sampleRates number of uint in the array.

Return: 0 if the vector has been set successfully, an Error otherwise.

This function will set the pointer array of float, as well as the size of the array as they are passed by reference. If the outputName or the API are not valid, an error is returned and the array is filled with all standard sample rates.

Updated on 2024-05-23 at 10:02:49 +0000